Then turned suddenly and started to swim back without motioning to anyone then swam back towards the boat and tried to get my husband who is large, to sit on a rock. Ok that's fine there's is normally lots to see on a night dive.! Not in our dive however, instead on descending and sitting at the bottom for a few minutes as we' were told to do to see if any mantas would show, she took us in a direction far opposite to the rest of the groups in a very strong current. On the second dive "the so called Manta dive" we did not see any, which is unfortunate but we had heard that there had not been any sitings for a few days. On the first dive the divemaster disappeared on descent we waited for her at the bottom for about 5 min and noticed the other groups leaving so we joined them, later she found us but we regretted joining her as she mostly zigzagged back and forth near the boat, then when my husband was low on air she sent him to the wrong boat. My husband's tank fell off completely at the end of his dive altogether. I mentioned it to her after the first dive and she did the same thing on the second dive. Both me and my husband have our own equipment and the divemaster placed my tank too low so that it was hitting my legs.i needed to take the tank off at the bottom to readjust it. First of all she did not put the equipment together properly. We were very annoyed with the dive master we got. Our experience was very disappointing and based on what we experienced and witnessed from other divers that discussed their dive on the boat it was dependant on the group and dive master one ended up with. I bought the coolest souvenirs from their shop as well as a new mask for my husband by Beauchat- which fits his unique bone structure very well. Make sure you have a great underwater camera, because this is a once in a lifetime experience. We had a blast and I got some good videos, but wish my underwater camera took better still images.

Cory was knowledgable and friendly and towed us around for an hour with the mantas. All the fish following us around were funny, too. So graceful, beautiful, and just such unique creatures. We saw 4 mantas and they just came right up under us and were amazing gentle giants. My husband and I went out on the boat on a Saturday for the 5 hour snorkel cruise and during the evening portion we saw zero mantas, however, they allowed us to come back for the Sunday cruise and I am so glad we came back. The boat was immaculate, organized, and provided everything we needed from water, snacks, ginger, hot tea and cocoa, wet suits, snorkel masks, a hot water hose when you get back on the boat- couldn't have asked for a better experience, not to mention the location and snorkel experience. Moments were shared.Captain Bob and John and crew were amazing and accommodating. It was fantastic! It was just delightful! A bit more of a night reef dive with a few eels and then back to the boat. After seeing various creatures of the night including an octopus, we make our way to an area with a little bit more Plankton and their we see her! A large magnificent specimen of a manta ray! Then she was joined by three others after we set up our lights and watch them tumble, turn, flip, roll, and dance in the night lights. After waiting a bit with our lights in the dark in anticipation, and while looking around and enjoying the sights and the soft black sand below, they unthinkable happens: No manta rays! Gasp! I know, right!? But our trusty dive Master Brooks makes a miraculous call to leave that site to a bit of a night reef dive and go find the elusive manta rays.

Other divers and snorkelers are around but not in each other's way at all. It is a perfect operation! The snacks, the drinks, the scenery, the mood, the atmosphere, the crew, the attitudes, I mean everything is spot-on! We are in place at the dive site in Paradise, sun setting, and when it's getting dark we hop in and get in place around the lights. They have everything thought out and prepared. So we go out for the famous, amazing manta ray night dive with this great crew and boat.